Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Term 2 Week 3 Homework

My Daddy’s a Diver Use the following questions to write a coherent review of the short story, "My Daddy’s a Diver", in which you address its effectiveness as a short story, how it relates to the concept of journey and what ideas, attitudes and values underpin the story. Take notes in answer to the following questions and then use these to write an extended response. Finish for homework and post to your blog by Tuesday 8.20am. 1. Use the checklist of short story genre requirements to assess how well the story meets these. Give specific evidence in your response. 2. How well does the story connect with the reader? What emotions or thoughts does it elicit? How effectively does it use language to do this? Give evidence from the story in your response. 3. What ideas, attitudes and values underpin this text? You may have already identified some of these in Question 2. 4. What kinds of journeys do we see evidence of in this story? Explain your answer. 5. How effective is the story as a whole?